The Roundtable Coffee Shop

The assignment was to choose a logo for a particular coffee shop from a set and rebrand the shop.

"The only rule was we were not able to change the name or alter the logo in anyway except with the change of color.  We had to come up with the shops entire concept, who they would appeal to, colors, packaging etc. As well as, create a promotional campaign, could also be paired with a non profit organization.

My shop is named The Roundtable it provides a place where the pool of creative professionals can sip, connect and become inspired by their fellow guests or perhaps the new friend they just made over a cup of organic coffee.  The color palette I chose is to inspire you to come in, feel happy and soothed.  The look is clean, simple and refreshing. My promotional piece was a campaign tied with the non profit organization named Rainforest Partnership. There was a t-shirt, tumblr and promo card produced."

Designed by Nina Cornelison a graphic design student at Texas A&M Commerce.


  1. ultimate design for coffee shop. i want to use this design in
    coffee shops phoenix . thanks for giving an idea .


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